My Branches


My Branches

By Brinn Six 

To stand tall and rise towards the sun, feel my warmth as I bask in your rays.

I started from a humble beginning and have weathered the storm with tenacity.

Days have been long and nights have been short.

To feel burdened by knowing...can my limbs endure this torment of being enough and the endurance to the seasons of unknowing.

You cut back the decay and stunt my growth, so that I may never reach my ultimate level of grace.

You choose not to nourish my soul, as I need and feel the emotions that are below; digging, seeking, thirsting for survival.

Feel my ferocity as I push the boundaries of unlimited potential, for you are unable to contain me.

My branches will hold you, guide you and flourish in vibrant technicolor.

Feel my comfort as the breeze floats through you, embracing the tendrils that form you.

The leaves may scatter, but never for long. You pass on the wisdom, courage and strength.

For you are my branches, each and every scar that is worn as a badge of honor.

For I humbly stand tall and will rise.

Jacqueline Dahlheimer